ComWell has been partnering with local businesses for more than 30 years to complete various production jobs and projects. Task efficiency and quality production have earned us credibility and have led us to maintain multiple partnerships with local businesses in the area. Our production crew continues to grow and so do our capabilities. Finding the right Contract Manufacturing Organization is critical to your company and we know that. You can hire anyone to do the job, but we will ensure that the job is done right and in a timely manner.

Vocational Services
Chester, IL
ComWell’s CILA is a community integrated living arrangement that promotes residential stability for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We provide them with an array of services to meet their needs. Our Direct Support Professionals care for clients both inside and outside of the home. Based on their needs, individuals receive supervision and supportive services which may range from continuous to intermittent. Their goals are our goals.
Our care-takers work to support residents in a way that reflects independent living to the maximum extent possible so they may live in the way they would if they were able to live alone. Our clients have the freedom to live comfortably in their home, care for their own space, shop for themselves, spend the money they earn, have picnics, go to the park, visit family, go out to eat, go on vacation and go sight-seeing among other activities they enjoy!

A typical day at CILA is a lot like yours!
24-hour supervision is provided and ranges from immediate to non-invasive supervision where staff are onsite and accessible when needed. Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professionals are assigned to coordinate all client care including medical, dental and mental health services. Our residence has a registered nurse available for consult 24-hours a day.
It is our goal to bridge the gap between individual and resource while providing ongoing personal support.
Do you know someone interested in receiving community integrated living arrangement services? Call us today!

Southern IL Community Day Services
Eligibility and Enrollment
An individual can choose to be “private pay” or to be funded by awaiting selection from the (PUNS) list. Through this, clients are selected to receive funding based on the availability of state funds as well as the needs of the client or family.
To be put on the PUNS list, the Southern Illinois Case Coordination Services must be contacted. An individual service coordinator (ISC) agent will meet with the individual, guardian and family to ask and answer questions, explain available services and identify specific needs for the individual(s).
PUNS Funding FAQ's
While some clients and their families choose our private pay option, many are funded through the State of Illinois via PUNS funding.
PUNS is a statewide database that records information about individuals with developmental disabilities who are planning for or seeking services. The State uses the data to select individuals for services as funding becomes available
Please contact our area independent service coordination agency, Southern Illinois Case Coordination (618) 532-4300.

Think we could be the people for the job?! Get a quote!
Behavioral Services & Support
- Functional Behavior Assessment
Direct Observation, staff/family interviews, record review, data analysis, testing and interventions. - Development of Individualized Behavior Plans aimed at reducing challenging behaviors and building/learning appropriate behaviors.
- Staff & Family Training/In-Home Family Support
Development of family structured routines, child management procedures, skill demonstrations, in the moment coaching, and data collection.
- Skill Building and Development
Social skills, functional communication, self-help and adaptive skills, coping skills, etc. - Management of Challenging Behavior
- Collaboration with other service providers and linkage to other supports to ensure continuity of care.
- Program evaluation, monitoring, and revision
*The above list is not an exhaustive list of services.
Who is Eligible for ABA services:
Adults with DD/ID receiving waiver services Children using Home-Based waiver are eligible for a negotiated number of ABA hours Students receiving special education services (separate referral process through the school) *We can help you navigate your waiver program coverage and or assist with getting enrolled for waiver services.
For more information regarding services please contact:
Sarah Ward, BSW, MHP, QIDP | | Director of Developmental Disabilities
Mandy Sullivan, BCBA |