ComWell Crisis Line: 1-888-855-0034


Southern IL Mental Health Counseling

ComWell offers a full range of counseling services in Southern IL for individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, and other mental health concerns.

Compassionate services are provided to all ages through individual, family and group counseling.  Our skilled clinicians can help you get back to living life to the fullest in a safe, welcoming, trauma informed environment. ComWell provides mental health counseling services to Randolph County IL, Washington County IL, and Southern Illinois.

Psychiatric Services

Our psychiatrist and nursing staff provide psychiatric evaluations as well as monitor medications and health interactions for clients in our behavioral health services.

Psychiatric Services

Same Day Assessments

Readily Available Mental Health and Substance Misuse Services for Adults and Youth.

No wait list. No phone tag. Just timely support.

Same Day Assessment is a walk-in based counseling program. The purpose of this program is to provide readily available services to individuals seeking mental health and substance misuse counseling. When someone needs help and is ready to begin counseling, they can simply walk into our office and be seen the same day. First visits will no longer require appointments.

Same Day Assessments 2025

Short on time? Print and complete the form at home and then bring it with you when you come into the office!

Don’t have a printer? No problem. You can come into the office to get a copy to complete at home or you can fill it out when you come in for SDA!


Community Support

Our compassionate staff will assist you with finding the most supportive resources on your journey to recovery.

The recovery coaching staff ensure optimal use of community based services and benefits for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness as well as group and individual skill building activities focused on assisting individuals with a mental illness to achieve their personal goals.

Call 4 Calm

Call 4 Calm

Call 4 Calm is a free, anonymous program that reduces barriers to seeking mental health services.

The Illinois Department of Human Services’ Mental Health Division launched a free-of-charge emotional support text line, Call4Calm, for Illinois residents experiencing stress and mental health issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Individuals who would like to speak with one of our mental health professional can text “TALK” to 5-5-2-0-2-0, or “HABLAR” to the same number: 5-5-2-0-2-0. Call4Calm is free to use, and individuals will remain anonymous.

Once an individual sends a text to the hotline, within 24 hours they will receive a call from a ComWell counselor to provide support.

Mobile Crisis Response Counseling

Please call 1-888-855-0034 and ask for the Mobile Crisis Response for Randolph or Washington County.

Our goal is to provide support to people during times of crisis through caring and confidential conversations.

We do this by providing the community with confidential crisis services through gentle and understanding discussions of crisis resolutions, and referrals to appropriate community resources.

ComWell defines a crisis as someone experiencing hopelessness, delusions, thoughts of self-harm or thoughts of causing harm to others and psychosis resulting in the inability to care for one’s self. ComWell’s crisis services are not intended to replace long-term counseling or individual therapy.

Mobile Crisis Response Goals :

Stabilize the crisis.

Assess the need for referrals to other community services.

Reduce unnecessary hospitalizations and arrests.

Please call Mobile Crisis Response if:

  • willing to meet with Mobile Crisis Response
  • is having suicidal ideations
  • is unsure whether psychiatric hospitalization is necessary
  • needs crisis de-escalation, emotional support or referral to community resources

What an individual can expect during a visit:

Counselors will talk with you about the situation and help you explore the options available.  We hope to help people feel safe and stable in the least restrictive environment possible.  For most of our clients, that means staying at home. If higher levels of care are needed and agreed upon, we will work with you to get you to a place where you can remain safe and stable.

After a visit, an individual can expect:

A Mobile Crisis Follow-Up Counselor will schedule a follow-up call the next day. Follow-up is intended to reinforce any plans made during the Mobile Crisis contact and help connect clients with community services that can support them long-term.

Meeting You Where You Are

What this means to us:

Waking up at 2:00am to sit in the Emergency Room wiping away tears caused by depression or an overwhelming experience.
Sitting in silence while holding an individual’s hand after someone they love passes away.
Taking deep breaths with those fighting to make it through a panic attack.
Consoling those who have experienced trauma and helping them move forward.
Helping people understand that their situation does not get the final say.
Children & Families

Children & Families

ComWell works with adults, children, and families in crisis.

Our Comprehensive Community Based Youth Services (CCBYS) funding allows us the opportunity to provide services that stabilize families and help them resolve issues that can lead to a crisis situation. A few examples of circumstances we have help prevent are: youth running away from home and family lockout situations.

It is important to know that staff within our crisis program will provide on-going support to the individual or family to ensure that the crisis situation has resolved, and the family or individual have been linked with services that will prevent a future crisis from occurring.