

24-hour Supervised Residential Facility for Adults

Sparta, IL

We are a 24-hour supervised residential program in Southern Illinois for adults with a diagnosis of severe and persistent chronic mental illness. We are here to help you meet your goals and gain skills needed to live independently and to help you thrive.

You will meet new people, make new friends while growing in your recovery and independence. Each day you’ll be encouraged to embrace your future, ensuring that your treatment is successful and enjoyable. At Melmar, your goals are our goals!

What can Melmar do for you

Our staff are available to assist you 24 hours a day. We are there to help with daily living skills, recovery goals, psychoeducation, and any other needs you may have. Although we are happy to have you in our program and assist you on your journey to recovery and independence, we are not your forever home. It is our goal for you to successfully complete our program and move toward independent living.

Your stay here with us

Your residency with us will last 18-24 months at which time we will work with you and community providers to identify placement in a less restrictive setting. A typical day at Melmar is always new. We provide group and individual services to develop and increase daily living skills such as: money management, social skills, home care, coping skills, gaining insight into your diagnosis and education regarding medications.

Comprehensive care

We provide advocacy and linkage with providers and resources in the community to ensure clients’ needs are being met. We also provide community integration activities to increase appropriate socialization skills.


Community Integrated Living Arrangement for Adults with a qualifying Intellectual Disability

Chester, IL

ComWell’s CILA is a 24 hour supervised home that promotes residential stability for adults with intellectual disabilities. We provide them with an array of services to meet their needs. Our Direct Support Professionals care for clients both inside and outside of the home. Based on their needs, individuals receive supervision and supportive services which may range from continuous to intermittent. Their goals are our goals.

Our care-takers work to support residents in a way that reflects independent living to the maximum extent possible so they may live in the way they would if they were able to live alone. Our clients have the freedom to live comfortably in their home, care for their own space, shop for themselves, spend the money they earn, have picnics, go to the park, visit family, go out to eat, go on vacation and go sight-seeing among other activities they enjoy!

Melmar Residential Services

A typical day at CILA is a lot like yours!

Residents wake up, make their own breakfast, take their medications, get ready for the day and along the way receive aid based on their needs.

ComWell has an agency bus route that transports these clients to attend ComWell Community Day Services where they are offered onsite and offsite work opportunities, learn new skills and fine-tune their preexisting skills, all while building life-long friendships.

Residents end their day cooking dinner and eating together. They then do dishes, tidy up their areas and wrap up the night by gathering in the living room to spend time together before going to bed.

24-hour supervision is provided and ranges from immediate to non-invasive supervision where staff are onsite and accessible when needed. Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professionals are assigned to coordinate all client care including medical, dental and mental health services. Our residence has a registered nurse available for consult 24-hours a day.

It is our goal to bridge the gap between individual and resource while providing ongoing personal support.

CILA services are funded by the Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities Home and Community Based Waiver.

Do you know someone interested in receiving community integrated living arrangement services? Call us today!