ComWell is proud to announce we recently applied for and was awarded a Competitive Integrated Employment grant through the state of Illinois Division of Developmental Disabilities. This grant provides job coaches for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
“Gilster-Mary Lee greatly values our partnership with ComWell and its clients. The team members that work with us are a dedicated and productive part of our workforce. They bring enthusiasm to their work each day, and they are a pleasure to be around. We are excited to learn about Comwell’s Competitive Integrated Employment program, and we look forward to helping bring new employment opportunities to even more individuals in our communities.”
Tom Welge, Gilster-Mary Lee President
“In a time where staffing shortages everywhere, this is an opportunity for ComWell to partner with area employers to find employees that fit well with their company based on their skills and abilities. Job coaches will work with each individual to ensure it is a good fit and that is a successful partnership.”
Shea Haury, ComWell Executive Director
“Through outreach and education, the ComWell Certified Employment Service Professionals, individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability, and local businesses will fill open positions find people careers.”
Sarah Ward, the Director of Developmental Disabilities
“It will increase the client’s confidence while making them feel they are valued, as well as, making the their employer feel they now have a reliable employee.”
Sharon Richardson, Employment Manager