Press Release

ComWell Press Release: HHS awards grant to ComWell through 2026

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: September 15, 2022 Contact: Brittany Riggins, Communications Specialist, ComWell Phone Number:  618-282-6233 X 134 ComWell was recently awarded one of 26 national Rural Communities Opioid Response Program Behavioral Health Care Support grants funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration. This grant is…

Mental Health in Schools

How ComWell is Serving Schools

ComWell School Counselors advocate for the mental health needs of all students by offering instruction that enhances the awareness of mental health by encouraging social and emotional development. We offer short-term counseling interventions and referrals to community resources for long-term support. Many children and adolescents face mental health challenges that affect their overall academic achievement…